Myanmar Women ..Circa 1900-1948

`ေဝလမင္းသားအား ၾကိဳဆိုေရး....မႏၱေလးသူေလးမ်ား(၁၉၂၂)`

in early1903.

Myanmar Women Hair and Dress Style in (1930)

Supayalat (the Northern Palace Queen Thiri Pawara Tiloka Mingala Maha Yadada Dewi)

 88 years old today - 24 November 1925: Queen Supayalat (the Northern Palace Queen Thiri Pawara Tiloka Mingala Maha Yadada Dewi) died of heart attack aged 65 after a short illness at her home in Churchill Road, Rangoon. After being exiled in 1885 she had been allowed to return to Burma (but not Mandalay) in 1919 after the death of her husband King Thibaw.

British authorities refused the royal family's wish to have her buried at Mandalay and she was instead buried at the Cantonment Gardens. Her funeral on 17 December - the last royal funeral in Burma - was nevertheless a grand affair and was overseen by the Sawbwa of Yawnghwe. Over a hundred thousand people (more than a fifth of the city) watched the procession towards the Shwedagon, her coffin was shaded by eight white umbrellas and the governor himself, Sir Harcourt Butler, accompanied the cortege on horseback.


သူမ ေရခပ္သြား(၁၉၁၀)`` ....The Country Girl; Burma(1910)

She could be a mix Burmese.

ျမန္မာအမ်ိဳးသမီးတစ္ဦး (1920s-1940s ခုႏွစ္မ်ား) A Burmese girl. (Aye Mi San) 1920s-1940s She could be a mix Burmese.


ဘီ-တီ-အင္ ေက်ာင္းဆရာမၾကီးတစ္ဦး(၁၉၂၀ နွစ္မ်ား)`` .....A

One more windy day in Mandalay, c.1900s

A Native girl in traditional dress stands holding a parasol and smoking a cheroot with two other girls crouching next to her, c.1906

Burmese girl in costume, circa 1900

Burmese girl in costume, circa 1900